The Psychology of Trading: Overcoming Fear and Greed

Are you someone who wants to strike gold with their trades but is constantly hampered by emotions like fear and greed? Trading can be an unexpectedly emotional experience. No matter how skilled and experienced you are, the psychological factors at play can quickly overwhelm you, ultimately impairing your decision-making skills.

As a trader, you need to understand that fear and greed are the twin emotions that can lead to making impulsive decisions, creating trading losses and eventually ruining your career.

Fear and Greed can be your partners or your worst enemies in the world of trading, and it all depends on how you handle them. Understanding how to tackle these emotions and gaining control over them is the key to becoming a successful trader.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the psychology of trading and explore ways you can overcome the emotional obstacles that can hold you back from achieving your trading goals.

Understanding Fear

Fear is a natural human response that arises from our fight or flight response system. In trading, fear is often the result of the fear of losing money. Fear can cause you to hesitate, miss profitable trading opportunities, or even prevent you from taking action altogether, resulting in missed trades.

Fear can arise from multiple scenarios; fear of missing out (FOMO), fear of failing, fear of losing your initial investment, fear of an economic recession, fear of losing money due to recent events, etc. Fear can be a powerful emotion, but it doesn't have to take over your trading game.

One of the biggest mistakes that traders make when dealing with fear is to base their trading decisions on a sense of urgency or panic. Emotional trading leads to losses. To overcome this, you should always remember that trading is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself, take a breath, and think rationally before you take action.

Traders must also address the root causes of fear. To help overcome fear, it’s important to follow some simple discipline on risk management, stop-loss orders and consistently adhering to your trading strategies. It’s also significant to have a reasonable trading plan that includes the ability to absorb small losses that inevitably occur in the market.

Understanding Greed

On the opposite end of the emotional spectrum lies greed - the insatiable desire to amass more wealth. Greed can be incredibly dangerous in trading because it leads to impulsive decisions that can lead to losses. When greed overpowers logic, traders become reckless, leading to riskier positioning trades that could either have a high payout or lead to massive losses.

Greed-driven trades can make you skip out on stop-loss orders that protect you from significant losses, or even encourage you to take positions that are outside your comfort zone.

We have witnessed several cases where greed has led to the destruction of traders' careers, such as the case of Nick Leeson, aka The Rogue Trader, whose gamble brought down Barings Bank in the 1990s.

To overcome this emotion, traders should always have a realistic and reasonable greed management plan. It's important to set realistic trading and profit goals while minimizing risk by keeping to carefully calculated positions with proper stop losses. You should never trade more than you can afford to lose.

Understanding the Connection Between Fear and Greed

Fear and greed often go hand in hand, and traders must understand the close relationship between the two emotions.

For example, fear of losing out on a great trading opportunity could lead to greed and impulsive decisions, such as skipping essential risk management steps like putting stop losses.

Moreover, when traders make significant profits, greed could quickly set in, compounding the risks and taking unnecessary trades seeking more profits. These gambles lead to overtrading with dangerous levels of leverage and not respecting trends or their trading strategies.

Successful trading requires a deep understanding of the psychological factors that come into play. It is not enough to have a good trading plan; you need to master your emotions by reading the market and understanding what drives it.

How to Tackle Fear and Greed in Trading

The key to overcoming fear and greed in trading boils down to mastering your emotions. Here are some tips to help keep your trading game on point:


Trading is a complex activity that requires knowledge, discipline, and control over your emotions. Fear and greed are two powerful emotions that can get the better of traders if not addressed.

Traders must understand the root causes of fear and greed and determine how to manage them effectively. Keeping greed and fear under control requires patience, discipline, and a rational mindset.

By implementing the tips highlighted in this article and developing self-awareness, traders can overcome their emotions and make rational trading decisions. Remember, successful trading is about consistency and playing the long game, not chasing instant gratification that often leads to losses.

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed